June 07, 2011

September 09, 2010
melbourne revisited
rainbows really do light up the day!
September 01, 2009
the heart of the matter
what can you do when there are no options to exhaust, but only scars as a glaring reminder of the pain? will the air always be this thick with discomfort, or is there an avenue for a breath of fresh air? is this just another stumbling block in the walk of relationships that matter most to you?
what dyou do when every waking moment is tormented by guilt, and even the few hours of light sleep feels like a nightmare? why were values abandoned and priorities shifted in the light of trying times? how many nails must be hammered in before you ever learn?
someone please tell me there will be a rainbow after the rain this time.
July 22, 2009
empty clutches in the dark
June 15, 2009
there's a first time for everything
my first sunset
with the incredibly sexy jason mraz. almost a sauna replicate, the stadium thrived on the heat of a seasoned performer who would have done more justice singing in a cozier set up. while in dire need of more air ventilation, it was a heartwarming 2 hours of cheering, clapping and admitedly, some screaming.
of morib beach, where we made friends with little crabs and miniature snails in soggy sand. originally meant to be a sampling of the infamous 'hat yi kai' (beggar's chicken), it was a pleasant enough walk on the endless sands of low-tide. note to self: pre-book chicken in advance.
to labuan, where tuaran mee, chocolate and beer became the mainstay of work. a steep learning curve that made for an east-malaysia journey of high expectations and adrenaline. luckily, there was plenty of grub to keep going in an island far from home.

in the jungle-worthy throes of poultry and palm oil in Kulim. accused of smelling like a chicken half the time, the exposure to something beyond your usual sanitation standards was quite an experience. but with so much good cheer in tow, it was a memorable 2 weeks:)
of penang, complete with sun, sea, sand and (para) sailing. needless to say, the food was up to the mark at any given place or time. for awhile, it was the paragon of healthy living, if you discount the customary oil with every plate of hawker goodness.
so far, so good:D
January 22, 2009
what is love?
i thought that love is about making sacrifices.
about making choices that messes up your plans, vexes you silly and then realizing in an instinctive afterthought that he really is worth your while after all.
love is about plonking down on the sofa next to him and knowing that there's no other place you would rather be.
whether you're tired, moody or overjoyed, he is the first person you're bursting inside to tell.
love is about the million and one sensations that flood your entire being when you're missing his company, and you know it is not just an amatory conquest.
love is when you feel at home even when you're not at home.
because he makes you feel whole.
it is when every other person is playing to an affectation of hellos, and how are yous, but you are consciously being submerged in the ups and downs of a reality show. because things do get blown out of proportion sometimes, and as much as you dont want to, you still cry.
love is about finding time to spend with each other, whether on a long-distance phonecall or just sitting by the sidewalk together, trying to watch the world go by but really just drawing out the comfortable silence.
but i thought wrong.
it is not that the flowers and birthday cards dont matter. like all other relationships, it is not just about how far you can go.. but how much you can take.
can you take the periods of neglect, when it feels like rejection but really is just a busy period at work? can you take the unreturned text messages that fell on blind eyes because studying for an important exam got in the way? do periods of non-communication eat you up inside, and you're tired of being the first to call? can you find it within yourself to understand completely, without expectations, when parents and friends take first place?
love is when every little thing matters, but nothing, absolutely nothing, changes the way you feel even when you know there is more to life than waiting around for the next romantic movie together.
there is no telling how or why or when i will know the feeling.
only the sky is the limit.
January 17, 2009
here in KL
it's been awhile.
round-table dinners remind me of my teenage weekend family dinners where we always order too much, which speaks for how we still eat too much today. the traffic lights remind me of the hours we spent getting caught in traffic jams, and how Malaysian drivers have a knack for staring at road accidents. at least i know now that China isnt that much different. the shopping complexes always seem bigger, expanding in height somehow, and there are even more brand names to spoil shopaholics all over. turning into my street, i was reminded of how i used to watch little kids chase each other on their miniature bicycles while walking Chester. that was back when us neighbours still caught up for girly chats during evening walks, when time still passed in opportune steps without the lure of the car or night-outs.
there's just something about viewing old things with new eyes.
i still love my bed:)
November 06, 2008
10 things I learnt about China
1- The People
The habits and ways of the Chinese people are by far the most intriguing aspect to me. Squatting and spitting are as common as tea and flavoured hard-boiled eggs. Added on to this is the tiny-dog fetish (really a limit on dog size imposed on residents within the 3rd ring road in
I immensely enjoy listening to the verbal banter on the streets even if Shanghainese is still inaudible to me. And of course there is the ‘stop & look’ phenomena similar to KL where crowds gather in an instant upon smelling the chance of a potential verbal/physical fight on the street, or if an old peddler spreads out his admittedly shoddy goods on the steps and attempts to promote each item as ‘useful or ‘valuable’ with much vigour.
Street Market, Old Shanghai ; Puppies for Sale, Yanchang Road, Shanghai
2- Vibrant Nightlife
It’s like seeing a different side of China after the sun sets; no longer do you see the conservative-looking office workers scurrying off with oversized bags on the streets, but beautiful ladies decked out in classy/skimpy outfits complete with booty shaking moves, and a whole load of hormone-raging men who dress up but let a few buttons down the front loose. Night lights line the popular streets and provide scenery for leisurely strolls and snap-worthy shots.
Enter many bars and don’t be surprised to feel like you’re not in
Bar-hopping in Sanlitun, Beijing ; Landmark Building on Nanjing Road, Shanghai
The Bund, Shanghai ; Old School Beats at Windows Bar, Shanghai

3- Glorious Food
This has to be one of the biggest treats that
My favourite cuisine in particular (we’ll exclude my lifelong love with anything Indian) is Xinjiang for its ample portions of meat and its Muslim tastes that distantly remind me of Malaysian spice, Guangdong for its light and fresh tastes especially in Cantonese 点心(dimsum/yumcha), YunNan for its generous use of mushrooms and exquisite flavour, Machuria 东北 for its handmade jiaozi dumplings, Mongolian hotpot 蒙古火锅, Shanghai for its 小笼饱 (steamed dumplings with soup to suck out) and 生前饱 (same deal but pan-fried) and all the Street food 小吃 like 前饼 (flour packaged with deep-fried tofu flake), chinese pancake, 肉松饱 (meat floss pastry) found in any reasonably local area that makes for the best breakfasts!
I’ve also recently taken a unbreakable affinity to bread made of wheat/yam with a sizable piece of butter/blueberry cake nestled right in the middle of it. Unfortunately, the opportunity to sample authentic Hakka cuisine has not materialised.
Wangfujing Night Market, Beijing ; Xinjiang Noodles Maestro, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province
4- Crowd Ethics
Much like squeezing the pulp out of an orange to get its juice, taking the subway during peak hours is not for the light-hearted. I’ve slowly learnt to take it with a pinch of amusement, but sometimes I do get aggravated to the point of insanity and resort to the occasional swearing and 不要推!only to regret my outbursts afterwards. But still, where else can you see people dodge swinging armpits LOL, reading newspapers at 6cm proximity, and use their elbows for such aggressive purposes? Some youngsters practically jump into a packed train even when it is bursting at the door seams with people. There is never a lack of company anywhere in this country.
National Holiday 84,000-strong crowd per day, Summer Palace, Beijing ; Beijing Subway Station
5- Laowai Adoration
Or it may just be condescending inclinations. Always thought to be the one with the deep pockets, the whites are assailed relentlessly by beggars, peddlars, and even the regular Chinese who jump at the chance to have a piece of the foreign-looking high nose.
"Sir, you want lady?", " Lady, you want watch/handbag/wallet?", " Sir/Lady, can I have a picture with you?"
6- Powderful English
People here are so modest about their proficiency in English that it amazes me. Most are competent in language, if not fluent. The lack of English interaction could be the main barrier, but even then most Chinese students are more than willing to speak out in public using a language other than their mother tongue. There are notable differences in
7- Travelogue
With 56 ethnic groups, differing temperates, cultures and ways of life have sprung up from the 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities and 2 specially administrative regions (lets be nice and assume
Horse-Riding in Inner Mongolia ; Desert Boots in Inner Mongolia
AIESECers at the UN-Habitat World Urban Forum, Nanjing ; Music Concert at the top of Yuejiang Tower, Nanjing
8- Organic Growth
How far and fast
Bird's Nest the National Stadium, Beijing ; Water Cube the Aquatic Stadium, Beijing
9- Government Regulation
The Great Firewall has toned down on its operations of late, but there are of course sensitive issues that will not turn up on your search engine such as the Tiananmen Square Massacre. The media has opened up bit by bit, and officers who receive bribes hit the headlines in no time. Traffic lights are not meant to serve any purpose, and peeing is encouraged at the scene of crime (refer to left picture). And despite the outright ban on the presence of NGOs, AIESEC in China as a company
10- Working culture
Sensitive Asian values coupled with crude bigtime bosses magnifies the need to be gentle but firm. Employees work to get through the hours, and the minority who dream big dreams limb the ranks. Unproductivity is quite the norm, motormouth business clinchers (没问题,没问题!) are aplenty, and the same can be said for the sometimes unintentional afternoon naps and apple breaks. Definitely an experience to take away from working in 2 of China's major cities. Event volunteers are on the other end of the sprectrum though; selfless and ever ready to help, I have always wondered how they would withstand the pain of standing the whole day while being treated like slave labour. Turns out that voluntary contribution to a large event, say Beijing Olympics or the recent UN World Urban Forum,
World Urban Forum Exhibition Centre, Nanjing ; Sitting Volleyball Work Station, Paralympic Games, Beijing
In conclusion, being an overseas Chinese with fairly near blood ties (grandpa is a Taipu Hakka that came from a certain Fuliao village in GuangDong/Fujian), I see many cultural similarities and differences between the Malaysian Chinese and Mainland Chinese. Subtle inclinations still hold strong, such as the proper respectful way of addressing elders in your extended family, and the emphasis on education and eating customs. Meanwhile, there are tangible differences moving down south.. during Chinese New Year for example, jiaozi (dumplings) is not a mainstay dish but instead we have yeesang, a communal and celebratory dish where all members of the family gather around to toast (by using chopsticks to mix the ingredients) outloud in Cantonese to the new year. Originally Malaysian.
San tai gin hong! cheong meng bak sui! lin lin gam leng!:)