March 25, 2006

the perfect balance

yin and yang. black and white. ups and downs. laughter, tears. classy or funky. being nice, or brutally honest. bashfully shy, or loud.

take the past week, for instance. girly seshs have been plentiful in the form of late nights at chilli padi, stalaktite, college square, and shopping at melbourne central. the end result? laughter, more laughter and a broken purse. krispy kremes have brightened rushed mornings, fab home-cooked malaysian dinners have cured a part of the homesickness and retail therapy makes your friday. memories have been relived with the coming together of old friends congregating at melbourne, and the daily intake of pods and dark chocolate have multiplied the happy hormones dramatically.

conversely, you have handpacked ham sandwiches for lunch every single day, assignment deadlines and late nights to boost the already bulging eyebags. empty days are spent at the computer lab, printing documents and discussing assignment details. your timetable is packed, but you still cannot turn down a day, evening or night out. tears arrive when family calls, and worse still when you drown in the suffocating buzz of workloads and emotional instability. lectures are spent sleeping, or trying not to, and on the whole you come out feeling stupid or remarkably dumb.

so imagine this.

green, juicy sultana grapes on one hand, and luscious red apples on the other.

grapes are sweet, giving you a rush of glucose high when you take the exquisite bite. pretty, dainty and in tiny rounds of circles. they come in small bites, and before you know it there's none left. that small package of sweetness disappears so quickly and you're left with nothing.

apples take more patience. you take pleasure in peeling their skin off, proudly claiming your prize when they're shaved of all red. the first crunch fills your mouth, slowly but surely. while your time away, because there's still plenty more bites to go. you can try the sides, near the top where there's still parts of it waiting to be taken. you can never clean an apple completely, because the seed will stubbornly live on.

but that's the way it goes isnt it?

some things you go through and forget almost immediately.

some things you can never get rid off completely. they linger in you, like good friends and memories and insecurities. they pop up every now and then, gleefully waiting to surprise you. that's when bursts of colours fill your life.

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