the past 2 weeks flew past in one big jumble of a day. i miss having hour- long breakfasts, and then have another post-breakfast meal up on my comfy chair recharging to the wonders of blog-surfing, food nutrition-surfing, or just surfing in general.
so whenever i have the chance, i try to stay at home for as long as i can.
the problem here is, everyone's amazing ability to delay the books as long as humanly possible. i am no different.
it started with a quick trip to victoria market for fruits.
i came home with hands full of fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat and a new top too thin for winter and too thick for summer. somehow that led to rearranging the fridge (which is no easy feat when you have three food junkies in the house), readjusting the temperature (my cucumber is frozen! it's not light green in the middle anymore, it's translucent-ish), munching on generous dosages of green grapes (how come they're so cheap now anyway? the perfect sweet temptation) and then proceeded to stuff myself further with juicy strawberries and yoghurt (i've tried all flavours possible and i've come to realize strawberry yoghurt does it for me). half an hour later, im having toasted bread with double cheese, frozen cucumber and semi-frozen spicy hommus dip (safeway special! $1.99- but there is preservative inside. a once-off tradeoff for a cheap buy?) .
one day, i'll talk about the joys of grocery-shopping. full-on housewife mode last night. right, studykakis?=]
the next hour or so was spent downloading 20 odd songs just so i could choose one nice ringtone to transfer into my bruised-all-over Sony Ericsson dinosaur. Except i had to transfer at least 10 500kb default ringtones into my labtop just so i could delete them off my phone before there was enough space to put ONE SONG in. bleh. but it is worth it. now, instead of the annoying teriyaki boys blasting that same beat over and over again, i now have melodious, rejuvenating Selah's Bless the Broken Road. Rejoice!
i also have a thing for 'personifying' of my room. despite rearranging/ redecorating/ reorganizing my humble abode a million times over, i keep getting urges to make more changes. hence, today's garbage of pictures is the result of 2 hours of hard work. the pictures make me feel so... at home. this must be some obssessive compulsive disorder i have for visual fulfillment therapy. seeing images everywhere sends me into reveries of my own.
and you know how everyone has not been blogging as frequently anymore? i was no different. and the one afternoon i have to redeem the impoverished state of my studies ends up here.
how come i can feel happy while feeling guilty?!!
lx, looks like we'll have to start working on my (lack of) time management again.
im thinking cornflakes with milk.
hah. Love your room, and strawberry yoghurt does it for me too!!
xo heids
food junkie. i can so imagine you doing all the things you described. hehe. i miss you, sweetums. and melbourne. sigh!
thank you heids. heh dyknow which brand is the best? i seem to be pretty happy with all that safeway offers so far.
heya meldee, melbourne and i miss you tooo!
hehe I always get Yoplait because my Mum tried all the many brands and stuck with Yoplait in the end. So since she goes for Yoplait, so do I.. ;)
I can't believe I didn't get credit for guessing 'middle-malaysia' I was SO spot on!
have you girls been picking up those yoplait 6-packs of pure strawberry goodness? (in 3 different strawberry varieties too!) its been a my little 'motivation-in-the-fridge' for weeks now.
lol babes i love the closing line! that's not true, i'm updating quite regularly(just because it's during exam season.hahhaa;P)
and you're damn funny la...procrastinating and procrastinating..:P which is exactly what i'm doing now..;P
beautiful room btw.;)
miss u so much!
hmm, im currently on Ski's berry supreme- the texture is not as think as the others, but good nonetheless. shall try yoplait once more. thanks heids=]
why hello aaron. what a pleasant surprise. hahah how can you get points for randomly coming up with 'middle-malaysia? try harder next time=p!
such a coincidence, i just had cornflakes with milk to ease off my bout of gastric! blogs, the reaon why we students are the way we are today=]
miss you much too jo.
YAAA!! I have been buying so much grapes recently 'cause they are so cheap!!! Sorta like my anti-constipation tool!
Ooops, too much information. ;)
hehe, do grapes really help?
i heard papayas are better=]
bananas and cranberry juice (though never together) are the go! (least that's what i reckon)
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